
Jokin Gorriti

Laboral Kutxa Representative

Jokin Gorriti (Bilbao, 1970) holds a degree in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country and a postgraduate degree in Communication and Advertising Management from ESIC, Business&Marketing School.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the WRF for more than a decade, where he serves as treasurer.
After a long professional career in the financial and cooperative field, he began his collaboration with the WRF from his position as Director of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility at the Caja Rural Vasca -Ipar Kutxa-, later integrated in the current credit cooperative LABORAL Kutxa, belonging to the MONDRAGON group, a world reference in cooperativism.
In addition to his professional occupation in the financial institution and his functions in the governing bodies of the WRF, he is also a member of the Board of Directors of HAZILUR, a company for the promotion of agri-food companies formed by the Basque Government, Konfekoop (Confederation of Cooperatives of the Basque Country) and LABORAL Kutxa.